Top ways that travel feeds the soul

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Many people list travel as their favorite thing to do, and for a good reason: it introduces one to new sights, sounds, and cultures, and in these new places one can feel completely at home as well as a total stranger who has some discovering to do.  But how does traveling truly nourish the mind and spirit? What’s in it for people who travel?

Reconnecting with nature

The crash of the ocean waves and the inviting greenery outside.  Who wouldn’t want to be re-introduced to these things after spending long days inside the office or school?  The vastness of nature reminds a traveler of how small they are in the great scheme of things – but at the same time promise exciting possibilities.  Getting out of nature allows one the gift of grounding, getting sun exposure, and appreciating the great big outdoors.

Unplugging and stepping out of work

Traveling offers much-needed rest and respite, allowing one to unplug and just have fun.  This holiday is a time for the body and mind to relax, especially in this culture where downtime is scoffed at, and ambition and productivity are pursued at nearly all costs.

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Travel also invites one to open their own creative mind.  Creativity, while an in-demand skill in today’s workplace, cannot be forced and needs space and time.  Swimming on the beach, hiking, or sightseeing in new territories can be a catalyst for creative thinking.


Being in a foreign place can give one the opportunity to learn more about the self, such as the unusual things to do and types of food that one can actually enjoy.  When another country is vastly different from one’s home, chances are there are plenty to learn and discover from within, from strengths and weaknesses to possibilities for self-improvement.

Adam Smith is a retired banker who now lives on Martha’s Vineyard.  He loves to travel to Europe and is currently vacationing in Paris.  Visit this page for similar reads.

All aboard: The best train trips in Europe

image.jpgOne of the most pleasant things about traveling to Europe is that tourists can visit a lot of places and enjoy the splendid sights and scenery by train.  While there are plenty train trips that show the majesty of Europe, the jury is still out on which of them is the best.  Check some of these rail trips below:

The Glacier Express

A well-known train trip is Switzerland’s Glacier Express, with some even calling it the “best seven hours you can spend on a train.”  The journey carves through the Swiss Alps at a bit less than 40 kilometers per hour and allows passengers to bask in the scenic views through its panoramic windows.

Trans-Siberian-Railway-RussiaThe Chocolate Train

Another sweet trip across the Swiss is the Chocolate Train, which runs from Montreux to the medieval town of Gruyeres.  A tour of the cheese factory, local sites, and the Cailler-Nestle chocolate factory makes the almost ten-hour roundtrip more memorable.

Trans-Siberian Railway

An integral part of the Russian culture is this epic train trip that connects Moscow and a port on the Pacific Ocean in the city of Vladivostok.  The journey takes 19 days to complete, crosses eight different time zones, and breaks down social barriers as the poor can socialize with the rich, the young with the elderly, and the foreigners with the locals.

Hi there, I’m Adam Smith a retired banker residing in Martha’s Vineyard.  I’m an avid traveler, and Europe is my favorite destination, which you can read more about here.

Top cities to visit when in Italy

All roads lead to Rome, as the famous adage goes. But whether it’s your first visit to Italy or not, there are many historic and charming places in the country that should get you saying “buon giorno” throughout your stay. Let’s look at some of the most tourist-friendly cities in Italia.

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One of the richest cities in the whole of Europe, Milan is Italy’s fashion capital, known for its posh shops, galleries, opera houses, and restaurants. But beneath the façade of style is a rich cultural and artistic heritage. Must-visit places are the La Scala and the Gothic Duomo. Of course, you must also witness for yourself the original “The Last Supper” by Da Vinci.

Firenze to locals, this quaint city showcases much of the country’s renaissance architecture. Visitors should visit the Baptistery and Duomo, as well as lounge in the majestic piazzas. When in Florence, you must take a trip to the many excellent museums and walk in the grand Medici gardens.

This romantic getaway is built on waters in the middle of a lagoon. Taking a boat ride and exploring the city’s many canals are a must. The waters are breathtaking, shimmering in warm cerulean. Visitors must likewise visit Venice’s heart, the Piazza San Marco, which is home to Saint Mark’s Basilica.

Of course, a visit to Italy won’t be complete without espying the magnificence of the country’s capital. Rome is the incarnation of the country’s rich history, offering an array of medieval monuments, churches, fountains, as well as renaissance museums and palaces. Completing your Rome itinerary is a visit to the Colosseum, Saint Peter’s Square, and nearby Vatican City.

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Hello, my name is Adam Smith, a retired banker now based in Martha’s Vineyard. I love traveling to Europe and at present I’m on vacation in Paris. For more travel reads, visit this blog.

A Few Helpful Reminders If You’Re Bringing Along Gadgets On Your Trip

Experienced travelers have time and again mentioned the importance of packing light for a trip.  Among the things to remember when packing light, is to bring as few electronic gadgets as possible.  However, some people just can’t stand being away from their devices.  If you’re one of those people, here are a few helpful tips.


Since most electronic gadgets can connect to the internet, make sure yours has the correct connectivity settings.  There are countless places for travelers to access Wi-Fi such as hotels, airports, train stations, and restaurants, and having the right configuration on your gadget will eliminate the hassle of toggling in real time.

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Batteries and chargers

Power banks and chargers are very important for travelers with multiple gadgets.  These accessories complement your smartphones, laptops, and other devices.  Before going on a trip though, make sure the batteries of the gadgets are all in good working order.  It may be difficult to find replacement batteries in the middle of a natural reserve or island resort.


For the protection of your gadgets, invest in heavy-duty casings and bags.  Remember that luggage is not always treated with tender loving care.  Bags get tossed around.  One violent impact may be enough to damage laptops, external drives, or any other gadgets.  Several shock-proof casings are available in the market today.  If your mobile phone doesn’t have one yet, you should seriously consider purchasing one now.

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Adam Smith is a retired banker from Martha’s Vineyard. He loves to travel to Europe and is presently vacationing in Paris. He is also a huge fan of cop shows. For more about him and the stuff he loves, follow him on Twitter.