All aboard: The best train trips in Europe

image.jpgOne of the most pleasant things about traveling to Europe is that tourists can visit a lot of places and enjoy the splendid sights and scenery by train.  While there are plenty train trips that show the majesty of Europe, the jury is still out on which of them is the best.  Check some of these rail trips below:

The Glacier Express

A well-known train trip is Switzerland’s Glacier Express, with some even calling it the “best seven hours you can spend on a train.”  The journey carves through the Swiss Alps at a bit less than 40 kilometers per hour and allows passengers to bask in the scenic views through its panoramic windows.

Trans-Siberian-Railway-RussiaThe Chocolate Train

Another sweet trip across the Swiss is the Chocolate Train, which runs from Montreux to the medieval town of Gruyeres.  A tour of the cheese factory, local sites, and the Cailler-Nestle chocolate factory makes the almost ten-hour roundtrip more memorable.

Trans-Siberian Railway

An integral part of the Russian culture is this epic train trip that connects Moscow and a port on the Pacific Ocean in the city of Vladivostok.  The journey takes 19 days to complete, crosses eight different time zones, and breaks down social barriers as the poor can socialize with the rich, the young with the elderly, and the foreigners with the locals.

Hi there, I’m Adam Smith a retired banker residing in Martha’s Vineyard.  I’m an avid traveler, and Europe is my favorite destination, which you can read more about here.